
Access to Commission-Free Insurance & Annuities Under Our FIDUCIARY Shield

Historically, these types of products have only been available on a commissioned basis, which undermines client value through HIGH COSTS, HIDDEN FES, and COMPLEX FEATURES!!!

Shore Financial Planning was founded because the financial-advising industry is broken. 

No Sales.
No Kickbacks.
No Commissions.
No Hourly Charges.

Just One Transparent Fee.

It’s tough to determine what most so-called “financial advisors” charge. Between commissions, hidden fees, and asset under management charges, you may end up paying a fortune and not even realizing it.

Shore Financial Planning is committed to complete financial transparency. You’ll make preset monthly or quarterly payments based on your specific financial needs and their complexity. That’s it – always.

Commission-Free insurance and annuity products can help deliver important benefits in a comprehensive financial plan, including:

Retirement Income

There is probably no more important financial goal for clients than meeting their retirement income needs. Commission-Free annuities can enhance your retirement income in ways traditional strategies often can’t.

Principal Protection

Utilizing insurance to protect principal can provide meaningful benefits to a portfolio, as well as peace of mind. Commission-Free solutions can provide hedging strategies, fixed returns or complete downside protection.

Income Replacement

Your protect your lives, your homes, and your vehicles through insurance, while often overlooking their most important asset—YOUR ability to earn income. Commission-Free disability insurance can help replace income in the event of an unexpected injury or illness, without jeopardizing the financial plan.

Tax Deferral

Some asset classes benefit from tax deferral more than others. Investing fixed income, funds with high turnover or alternatives in a tax-deferred vehicle can maximize the impact of tax deferral.

Wealth Accumulation

Permanent life insurance policies, once the commission is eliminated, provide benefits which can be powerful for wealth accumulation. Without a hefty commission being removed from premiums, assets grow and can be withdrawn tax free.

Annuity Rescue+

Analyze existing annuity policies to determine if there is a more cost-effective alternative or additional benefits a Commission-Free/no-load solution can bring to the financial plan.

Life Insurance

Life insurance represents a crucial part of a financial plan, providing benefits for both legacy planning and wealth accumulation purposes. Commission-Free life insurance can benefits to complement your holistic financial plan.

Legacy Planning

For many clients leaving a legacy to heirs is a high priority in their financial plan. There is no more certain way to accomplish this goal than through insurance.