
Get Started Now

with a Complimentary Financial Assessment

Your free financial assessment includes:

  1. 15-Minute “Get to Know You” Phone Call
    This gives us a chance to make sure your financial situation matches our expertise. If Shore Financial Planning is not the right financial advisory firm to help you, we’ll happily point you to the right expert for your unique needs.

  1. 1-hour Zoom or In-Office Meeting
    We’ll zero in on your financial goals, needs, and concerns. Like a doctor, it’s important to diagnose before we prescribe. We’ll request a few important documents beforehand to help us answer 3 critical questions:

    – Are you on track to reach your long-term goals?
    – Can your tax bill be reduced?
    – Can your investments be improved?

  1. Think About It
    Take as long as you need to make a decision about hiring us as your financial advisors. There’s NEVER a hard-sell or pressure to say yes. To help you make a smart decision, consider these questions:

    – Do I like, trust, and respect Shore Financial Planning?
    – Do the financial benefits outweigh the costs?
    – Do I understand and agree with their investment approach?
    – Do their financial planning recommendations make sense?

Next Step: Schedule your 15-minute introductory phone call.

Explore how Shore Financial Planning can assist with all aspects of your financial life.

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